new shelter 1
In July, 2020: a site (two doors down from the leased site) was purchased with funds from the Friends of Newport Beach Animal Shelter (FONBAS).
August, 2021: FONBAS hired a general contractor to construct the new facility and launched a $500,000.00 Capital Campaign. This grew to over $3,200,000.00, thanks to the generous donors.
January, 2022: A Groundbreaking Ceremony was held to mark the start of construction.

July, 2022: A 'Topping Out' Ceremony was held to celebrate the last beam placed.
June, 2023: FONBAS was bestowed a California Nonprofit of the Year award for Assembly District 72, thanks to Assemblywoman Diane Dixon (former Newport Beach Mayor).
July, 2023: The new Shelter was donated by FONBAS to the City of Newport Beach, and dogs, cats, and a few guinea pigs moved in.
The new, permanent Newport Beach Animal Shelter is state-of-the-art!
In it's 1,500 square feet, one would find:
- 20 individual indoor/outdoor kennels
- an animal exercise area
- a meet & greet room
- two visiting yards
- a cat playroom
- small animal housing
- a quarantine room
- a staff break room
- and facilities for animal grooming, meal preparation, laundry and storage
The new Shelter continues to be operated by the Newport Beach Police Department Animal Control Unit.
FONBAS continues to provide extra funding for medical, dental, grooming, and socialization services to help every pet put its 'Best Paw Forward."